

Gain insight and knowledge about the SMSF space from our educational blogs

2508, 2023

The Downsides of Investing SMSF Into Cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency has taken a long journey to find relevancy/legitimacy in society as a credible form of currency. Nevertheless, cryptocurrency still has detractors who do not believe the hype and are telling investors to be wary of the volatile asset class. Cryptocurrency has even found investors willing to place the non-tangible asset inside their SMSF. These SMSF investors [...]

2308, 2023

The Risks Associated With Investing Your SMSF Into Collectables

Collectables have long been seen as a risky investment outside of super, therefore, placing a collectable investment inside of super can increase the risk exponentially. This piece will aim to educate our audience on the risks associated with investing your SMSF in collectables. Before we highlight the risks, it is important to understand what the ATO classifies [...]

1608, 2023

2023 SEQ Brisbane Property Expo Recap

This past weekend saw the One Contract Property team attend the 2023 SEQ (Brisbane) Property Expo. The team was welcomed by the warm Brisbane sun which gave everyone the energy they needed to help spread the word about SMSF property investment. Day one saw the team take part in countless conversations with attendees that were eager to learn about [...]

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