Is now the right time? This is a sentence you probably hear all too often.

This sentence is muttered in regards to purchases that may seem all too risky unless you take a closer look and actually analyse the situation.

SMSF property investment is no different, with countless investors wondering if now is the right time.

Sit back, and relax as we break down why now is indeed the right time to invest your SMSF into property!

Current Tax Incentives Are The Best They Have Ever Been

Current tax incentives have never been fairer for SMSF property investors.

The following tax incentives are given to SMSF property investors:

SMSF Satisfaction Is At An All-Time High

SMSF satisfaction has shown no signs of slowing down in recent years, with the, 2023 Super Satisfaction Report, highlighting that satisfaction for SMSFs currently sits at 74.4%

The SMSF Sector Shows No Signs Of Slowing Down

The SMSF sector also shows no signs of coming to a halt, with SMSF numbers reaching 606,217 so far in 2023. These SMSFs are made up of 1,136,234 members.

The Amount Of Choice Available

The amount of choice offered to investors in today’s day and age is also incomparable.

SMSF investors are no longer limited to low-rental return investments, such as apartments, townhouses and established builds.

SMSF property investors with the help of One Contract Property can now invest in high-yield properties that offer incredible rental returns.

The types of properties that are now possible to invest inside of your super include:

Were you thinking about starting your SMSF property investment journey?

Get in touch with our team today to begin discussions and start your journey on the right foot.

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